bits and pieces

Tonight, it’s a little bit of this and a little bit of that:

  1. The weather has gotten cooler lately, but it still warms up to 80 degrees most days.  We now turn the heater on for a little while in the morning and the a/c on for a little while in the late afternoon.
  2. With the weather cooling down, I’m beginning to enjoy cooking more.  I much prefer to cook when the weather is cooler than when the weather is warmer.  I like making soups and stews and putting 9×13 pans of dishes into the oven.
  3. Even though the weather is a bit cooler, it’s still dry.  That has thrown me off lately.  I didn’t drink enough water over the past few days, so I ended up with a wicked dehydration headache yesterday.  Today I’ve tried to be much better at downing 12 ounce glasses of (room temperature) water every so often during the day, and I feel much better.  This climate is just different.
  4. There are SO many activities happening and opportunities to do stuff at our new church and school.  It’s a bit overwhelming at times.  And it wears us out.
  5. Jujubee was pretty worn out after the weekend, and today she finally fell asleep during her afternoon rest time.  Unfortunately, she (and I) are paying for it now.  It’s 9:30 pm, she’s been in bed since 8pm, and she’s been out of bed twice for various reasons, mainly because she can’t fall asleep.  Poor girl.  I guess one nap is too many, but zero nap is not enough.
  6. I get to play single mom for a week starting tomorrow.  Overall, I’m okay with this reality.
  7. I plan to make myself a pie while I play single mom.  I’ve had a hankering for a pie.  I think it will be a peach-raspberry pie.
  8. I started walking again this week.  Somehow, I had completely fallen off the wagon as far as exercising goes; I hadn’t gone walking in over two weeks.  I could tell, as my mood and energy levels were all off.  But now, after a few days of walking (and after drinking enough water), I’m feeling better again.
  9. JJ and I ordered blinds/shades for our entire house last week.  We’ve been living with absolutely no window coverings for almost 4 months.  It cost a bit of money, but it’s done, and that’s good.  L0we’s offered a flat installation fee whether you had 3 window treatments installed or 12.  So, we decided to do the whole shebang in one fell swoop.  We reasoned that when we re-sell the house someday, we’ll make the money back.  We’re putting cord-free cellular shades in the bedrooms, faux-wood blinds in the dining room, family room, and the small living room window, and vertical blinds over the patio door.  The kitchen is not getting blinds, because the two kitchen windows face a large fence full of natural greenery, which acts like its own shade.  However, I did buy some old-fashioned curtains to put in the windows, and I love them!  You can see what they look like here.
  10. JJ and I are beginning to meet in the middle on our house.  When we first bought the house, JJ could only see the things he liked about the house, while I could only see the things I didn’t like.  As time has gone on, we are both seeing more of what the other did or did not like about the house, and occasionlly JJ is even using the phrase “when we sell the house.”  I, on the other hand, am less eager to move again than I was when we moved in.  However, the house is still a rather tight, compact fit, so it would be nice to have a place with more room.  But, most days, we’re happy with our house, so that’s good.